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2012-05-21 09:08:43 中國能源網


摘 要:隨著我國經濟持續快速發展,高能耗、高投入增長方式產生了一系列不可持續的環境和資源問題,工業轉型升級、轉變發展方式和能源結構調整日益緊迫。作為工業轉型升級重要載體的各類產業集聚區冷熱負荷大且集中,環境評價要求高。本文采用以航改型燃機為核心的分布式能源系統來滿足高能量密度的冷熱電負荷需求,研究了蒸汽系統優化對分布式能源系統性能和經濟性的影響,指出了配套設備的標準化、系列化對中國航改型燃機分布式能源系統節能環保效益提升的重要意義。

關鍵詞: 航改型燃機; 分布式能源; 蒸汽系統優化

中圖分類號: T K 14; T K 262 文獻標識碼: A


Optimization on steam system for aero-derivative gas turbine distributed energy system

Abstract: China's growth mode of high energy consumption and high investment leads to a series of unsustainable environmental and resource issues, with her rapid economic growth. Industrial transition and upgrading, transformation of economic development mode and adjustment of energy structure become increasingly urgent. As important means of industrial transition and upgrading, various industrial agglomeration zones require large and concentrated heating, cooling & power supply and high-quality environmental protection. This paper adopts aero-derivative gas turbine (Aero-GT) distributed energy system (DES) to meet the high-energy-density heating, cooling & power loads and studies the impact of steam parameter optimization on the performance and economy of Aero-GT DES. It is shown that the equipment standardization and serialization is significant for Aero-GT DES to demonstrate its environmental and energy-saving benefits to China.

Key words: Aero-derivative Gas Turbine; Distributed Energy System; Steam Parameter Optimization



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責任編輯: 中國能源網

標簽:航改型燃機 分布式能源 蒸汽系統優化